Options for pattern creation:
(put "_list" after the name of the list)
Example: attribution_verbs_list

(put "_opt" after a optional word)
Example: a_opt

(put "_" before the tag)
Example: _prp

(put "_lem" after the word for
using its lemma)
Example: went_lem

(put "*" between two words
to indicate the occurrence of any words between them)

Example: The objective of*work

To identify, for example:
The objective of this work
The objective of this research work

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Relations: Create a new relation
Marker 1:
Position of Marker 1:
Marker 2:
Position of Marker 2:

Lists of words (lists):

a AND 1680=8581# mtKn - Alter : Delete
a AND 3012=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3012=3012) THEN 301 - Alter : Delete
a AND 3716=8608 - Alter : Delete
a AND 9737=2727-- wWyX - Alter : Delete
a" AND 1506=5772 AND "jyHG" LIKE "jyHG - Alter : Delete
a" AND 8669=2579 AND "BRJU"="BRJU - Alter : Delete
a") AND 4904=7000 AND ("eFEz" LIKE "eFEz - Alter : Delete
a") AND 8226=3025 AND ("Saqw"="Saqw - Alter : Delete
a")) AND 9263=6400 AND (("gxnm"="gxnm - Alter : Delete
a) AND 2312=5653 AND (1564=1564 - Alter : Delete
a) AND 4022=2391-- JSkG - Alter : Delete
a)) AND 4568=3692 AND ((9086=9086 - Alter : Delete
a))) AND 3733=6852 AND (((6075=6075 - Alter : Delete