This project is a partnership between ICMC-USP and SAMSUNG Eletrônica da Amazônia LTDA, whose objective is to advance the state of the art for semantic processing of texts/documents written in Brazilian Portuguese, more specifically to permit semantic role labelling and lexical disambiguation of verb meaning, and based on these resources and tools, build applications for mining and summarization of texts, with special focus on opinions about products found in the Web.
The purpose of this partnership is to, at the same, enable the direct transfer of technology from the group of researchers from Interinstitutional Center for Computational Linguistics (NILC), based in ICMC-USP, to SAMSUNG, and enable the group to apply its experience and linguistic-computational models for natural language processing in an actual and real scenario, aiming to the potential creation of technological products.
PropBank.Br-Opinion Manual Semantic Role Labelling.
Verb Sense Desambiguation and Automatic Semantic Role Labeling on journalistic and web product reviews genres.